Integrating Extensive Reading Strategy Training with Innovative Technologies: fsQCA on EFL Learner Autonomy and Vocabulary Acquisition
The integration of extensive reading strategies and innovative technologies has become a vital component of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education. While extensive reading (ER) fosters learner autonomy and vocabulary acquisition by promoting engagement with diverse reading materials, the incorporation of digital tools—such as e-books, online platforms, and mobile applications—has further enhanced accessibility and interactivity. However, gaps remain in the understanding of how these elements interact and which configurations yield optimal outcomes for learners, especially in terms of fostering self-directed learning and vocabulary growth. This research addresses these gaps by employing fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) to examine the interplay between extensive reading, metacognitive strategies, and technological tools. Data were collected from 130 EFL learners through pre- and post-tests, questionnaires assessing learner autonomy, and classroom observations. Results reveal three effective pathways to learner autonomy and vocabulary acquisition: (1) comprehensive integration of extensive reading, technology, and metacognitive strategies; (2) focus on traditional reading and metacognitive strategies without technology; and (3) technology and metacognitive strategies without extensive reading. Extensive reading was found to be the most impactful strategy, achieving the highest correlation with autonomy and vocabulary acquisition. The study concludes that a balanced approach, combining extensive reading, metacognitive strategies and selective use of technology, offers the most effective framework for fostering EFL learners' autonomy and vocabulary development. These findings provide valuable insights for educators and policymakers when designing language-learning programs tailored to diverse learner needs while ensuring the strategic use of both traditional and digital methodologies.
EFL; Extensive Reading; Learner Autonomy; Technology-Enhanced Language Learning; Vocabulary Acquisition; Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative AnalysisReferences
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Copyright © 2025 Emilia Ninik Aydawati, Iis Sujarwati, Nur Syamsiah, Muhammad Nafi Annury, Siti Mariam, Catur Kepirianto, Suranto, Fridolini, Siti Tarwiyah, Djoko Sutrisno
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