Code Switching in Rural Areas: The Case of Ad Dahinah Public Schools from the Perspective of Sociocultural Theory
Code-switching is a common phenomenon around the globe. It has been the center of long debate among linguists and researchers due to its impact on the process of language learning. This research touches upon this phenomenon in the context of Ad Dahinah, a rural village in Saudi Arabia. The study investigates teachers’ and students’ attitudes to code-switching in English language classrooms, and its implications for identity and educational outcomes. Employing a mixed-methods approach, data were collected from students (N = 79) using a questionnaire and from teachers (N = 8) through semi-structured interviews at public schools in Ad Dahinah, Saudi Arabia. The findings show the prevalence of code-switching used as a pedagogical tool to facilitate comprehension and cater to the diverse linguistic needs of students. The analysis reveals that both teachers and students perceive code-switching to be beneficial for bridging gaps in vocabulary and conceptual understanding. However, there are concerns about its impact on English language fluency. Additionally, code-switching has social and cultural implications, playing a role in reinforcing local identity while navigating the pressures of globalization evident through language use. The research contributes to understanding linguistic practices in rural educational settings, suggesting that code-switching, while supportive of learning, requires careful attention to balance language proficiency goals with effective communication.
Code-Switching; Rural Areas; Language Use; Identity Construction; Culture; Sociocultural TheoryReferences
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