The Fall of the Masks: Virtues and Vices in Albanian Comedy in the Early 20th Century
This study examines the key aspects of Albanian comedy in the early 20th century and its role in reflecting and critiquing the social, cultural, and political dynamics of the time. Early Albanian comedic works utilized humor and satire to unmask societal flaws and contradictions. Despite their significance, these comedies have often been overlooked in literary studies, particularly after World War II, leading to a gap in understanding their cultural and artistic impact. A central focus of this study is the symbolic “rising of the curtain” and the “fall of the masks,” representing the exposure of societal truths through comedic characters and narratives. From a linguistic perspective, these comedies employ devices such as irony, sarcasm, and hyperbole to amplify their critiques and engage audiences. The language of comedy in these works serves as a powerful tool for unveiling hidden realities, often using witty dialogue, puns, and rhetorical questions to challenge prevailing norms and provoke critical reflection. Furthermore, the use of distancing techniques, such as breaking the fourth wall, allows actors to engage directly with the audience, fostering an interactive and reflective experience. These linguistic and theatrical strategies, deeply rooted in the traditions of satire and humor, function as both entertainment and social commentary. By deconstructing societal masks, early Albanian comedy highlights the interplay between language, performance, and social critique, offering valuable insights into the cultural and linguistic heritage of the time.
Linguistic Analysis; Irony; Sarcasm; Satire; Humor; Rhetorical Devices; Theatrical HistoryReferences
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Copyright © 2025 Eris Rusi, Jonela Spaho, Ilir Shyta

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