Integrating Production-Oriented Approach (POA) in Flipped Classrooms: An Action Research on Enhancing Spoken English Instruction for English Majors in China
This study addresses the limitations of traditional English-speaking instruction for English majors in China, such as limited class time, insufficient opportunities for classroom speaking, and inadequate support for autonomous learning. In response to these challenges, the study presents an integrated teaching model that combines the Production-oriented Approach (POA) and Flipped Classroom in Blended Learning environments, analyzing its practical application and effectiveness through two cycles of action research. The first cycle involved 94 second-year students, focusing on how combined online and face-to-face instruction can offer equitable speaking opportunities, promote independent learning, and enhance student satisfaction. The second cycle, with 88 second-year students, refined the “write-before-speak” strategy, improved online-offline coherence, and explored how varied feedback can support self-regulation and continuous progress. The findings indicate that the integrated model effectively alleviates the lack of speaking opportunities and enhances autonomous learning by offering a flexible and diverse learning environment, supported by collaborative assessment mechanisms. Additionally, the model improves students’ speaking motivation and classroom engagement by progressive procedures of motivating-enabling-assessing, transitioning from fundamental online learning to face-to-face classroom practice. This gradual progress fosters consistent language development, enabling students to tackle increasingly complex speaking tasks with confidence and competence. Overall, the study demonstrates the model’s effectiveness in reforming English-speaking instruction in higher education, offering valuable insights into the design of pedagogical strategies that can bridge the gap between traditional instruction and the evolving needs of language learners.
Production-Oriented Approach (POA); Blended Learning; Flipped Classroom; English Speaking; English Major; Action ResearchReferences
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