Bridging Beliefs and Practices: Exploring Translanguaging Perceptions and Classroom Applications in Saudi Efl Education


  • Amna Abdulmonem

    College of Education, English Department, Majmaa University, Majmaa 15341, Saudi Arabia

  • Zaha Alanazi

    College of Education, English Department, Majmaa University, Majmaa 15341, Saudi Arabia

Received: 2 December 2024 | Revised: 19 January 2025 | Accepted: 20 January 2025 | Published Online: 18 February 2025


The notion that incorporating native language practices can enhance individuals’ proficiency in learning a foreign language has given rise to various bilingual language pedagogies, including translanguaging. In the context of learning English, numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits of classroom translanguaging for second language learners. This study aimed to explore teachers’ and students’ perceptions of translanguaging in Saudi upper-secondary classrooms and investigate the specific contexts in which translanguaging is employed during English classes. Using a mixed-methods approach that included questionnaires, interviews, and classroom observations, the study revealed that while teachers generally view translanguaging as a valuable practice, they remain hesitant to fully integrate it into their pedagogy. Instead, its use tends to be spontaneous and limited to specific functions, such as classroom management, and key point clarification rather than being systematically planned to achieve broader learning objectives. On the other hand, students held positive perceptions, finding translanguaging effective for enhancing comprehension, participation in classroom activities and vocabulary acquisition. These findings provide critical insights into the practical applications of translanguaging in English as a Foreign Language classrooms, highlighting the need for more structured pedagogical approaches that leverage students’ linguistic backgrounds to foster a more inclusive learning environment.


Translanguaging; Perceptions; EFL Learning; English Teachers; Spontaneous; Pedagogical


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How to Cite

Abdulmonem, A., & Alanazi, Z. (2025). Bridging Beliefs and Practices: Exploring Translanguaging Perceptions and Classroom Applications in Saudi Efl Education. Forum for Linguistic Studies, 7(2), 627–638.


Article Type
