Leveraging ChatGPT AI Model in Academic Writing and Avenues for Further Development: SWOT Framework
ChatGPT is a recent and famous AI tool that has triggered debates about its potential implications in research, education, and enhancing language practices and skills. This study manipulated the SWOT analysis framework and systematic review to outline and scrutinize AI tools, including ChatGPT's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, in use in academic writing. The study highlighted that the strengths of using ChatGPT in writing include helping researchers and students' writing by increasing information access, generating ideas, planning, and revising writing. It was found that the weaknesses of ChatGPT’s use in writing involve difficulty in finding the source, lack of ensuring academic writing ethics, increasing student's overreliance, and decreasing the creativity of original writings. This research provided some opportunities for using Al tools, such as generating and creating new AI programs and models to help researchers and students improve their writing and detect unethical writing. The study highlighted several threats to using ChatGPT in writing, including a lack of ensuring the originality of ideas and resources, a lack of adherence to academic ethics, plagiarism enhancement, and a decline in high cognitive and creative skills and writing creativity.
Artificial Intelligence (AI); Academic Writing; ChatGPT; SWOT Analysis FrameworkReferences
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