Validation and Application of the Digital Linguistic Entrepreneurship Index for Enterprises
This paper introduces the concept and evaluation index system of Digital Linguistic Entrepreneurship for enterprises, which includes three primary indicators: digital linguistic entrepreneurial philosophy, digital linguistic entrepreneurial capability, and digital linguistic entrepreneurial resources, along with seven secondary indicators. Reliability and validity tests confirm that this framework is both reliable and feasible for assessing digital linguistic entrepreneurship. An analysis of the digital linguistic entrepreneurship performance of 20 Chinese enterprises reveals generally positive results, highlighting strengths in digital innovation and communication efficiency. However, the analysis also identifies areas for improvement, particularly in the adoption of advanced digital technologies and the integration of multilingual platforms among state-owned enterprises. The study emphasizes the need for enhancing digital linguistic capabilities, cultivating digital talent, and leveraging external resources and policy support to promote more effective digital transformation. These findings offer valuable insights that can help Chinese enterprises strengthen their global competitiveness, better utilize digital linguistic resources, and achieve sustainable growth in an increasingly digital and interconnected business environment. The study provides both a practical framework and strategic recommendations for enterprises aiming to enhance their digital linguistic entrepreneurship.
Digital Linguistic Entrepreneurship; Language Services; Evaluation Index System; Validation and ApplicationReferences
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