The Secrets of Charisma in Analyzing Discourse Language
This study aimed to analyze one of the most important speeches, in terms of topic, time, and place- the speech given
by His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the president of the United Arab Emirates, may God protect him.
The speech was known as the speech of “Qasr Al-Bahr”, with reference to the place in which it was given. His Highness
Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed gave his speech when he was the crown prince during the Covid-19 pandemic when the whole
world was afraid of the consequences of the corona-virus pandemic. However, the speech gained widespread through
social media sites due to the high levels of optimism, tranquility, and trust it included concerning the ability to control the
pandemic which, in turn, contributed to enhancing tranquility and reducing fear among the community members. In this
study, we analyze this speech and identify the reason why it is accepted, especially after achieving widespread through
social media sites directly after giving the speech and the spread of the trend of “Don’t worry” or “La Tashloon Hamm” in
Arabic language, as the most prominently transferred statement with which His Highness finished his speech. Indeed, it
greatly spread tranquility among all the community members, either as citizens or expatriates.
Charisma; Qasr Al-Bahr; Covid-19 Pandemic; Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan; Discourse AnalysisReferences
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Copyright © 2025 Khawlah M. AL-Tkhayneh, Mohammad Issa Alhourani, Khaled Khamis Nser, Aicha Ettaieb

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