“Do You Think When You Burnt Me”: A Stylistic Exploration of Muhthal Al-Saqour’s Poetic Mastery


  • Atef Adel Almahameed

    Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Ma’an 71111, Jordan

  • Nusaiba Adel Almahameed

    Department of English Language and Literature, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Ma’an 71111, Jordan

  • Mohammad Naimat

    Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Ma’an 71111, Jordan

  • Imad-edden Nayif M A’leade Alshamare

    Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Ma’an 71111, Jordan


Received: 1 December 2024 | Revised: 20 January 2025 | Accepted: 23 January 2025 | Published Online: 26 February 2025


This study examines Muhthal Al-Saqour’s poem “Do You Think When You Burnt Me” through a comprehensive stylistic lens that highlights the fusion of phonological, syntactic, and semantic elements in crafting a resonant poetic expression. By dissecting the intricate layers of language, the analysis elucidates how Al-Saqour employs sound patterns, sentence constructions, and word meanings to create multi-dimensional symbolism and emotional depth. The poem’s deliberate interweaving of literary and rhetorical devices—such as metaphor, repetition, and rhythm—strengthens its aesthetic fabric while subtly amplifying underlying themes of Palestinian resilience and the inexorable cycle of destruction and renewal. Furthermore, by exploring intertextuality, particularly religious intertextuality, the study reveals how these layered stylistic choices contribute to generating a potent interplay between historical trauma and hope. Drawing on a descriptive analytical approach, the interpretation shows that the confluence of diverse stylistic levels, rhetorical strategies, and intertextual elements not only engages the reader’s emotions but also intensifies the symbolic representation of cultural suffering, endurance, and eventual triumph. Ultimately, this investigation affirms that Al-Saqour’s sophisticated manipulation of language enriches the poem’s aesthetic appeal while embodying a powerful narrative of persistence and renewal, offering a reflective commentary on both individual and collective experiences of hardship and resurgence in the face of adversity.


Stylistics; Analysis; Intertextuality; Muhthal Al-Saqour; “Do You Think When You Burnt Me”


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How to Cite

Almahameed, A. A., Almahameed, N. A., Naimat, M., & Alshamare, I.- edden N. M. A. (2025). “Do You Think When You Burnt Me”: A Stylistic Exploration of Muhthal Al-Saqour’s Poetic Mastery. Forum for Linguistic Studies, 7(2), 1137–1150. https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v7i2.8404


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