Learning paragraph writing electronically: An insight into impact of blended learning strategies on ESL learners in Pakistan
A comprehensive teaching plan, mindful practices and effective use of technology can boost the writing skills of Second Language Learners by improving spontaneity, naturalness, and accuracy. A vibrant learning community, strongly connected through on-site and online mediums, is ideal for enhancing the skills of foreign language students. This research focuses on enhancing students’ paragraph writing skills by blending traditional and modern technology tools in a hybrid form of instruction. The participants of the study were divided into experimental and control groups; they were students of English as a Second Language (ESL) learners at a private university in Pakistan. After the pre-test, both groups were taught the same curriculum through different pedagogy for six weeks. The experimental group received instructions in a blended mode with the help of technology tools. The results were analyzed at pre and post-research levels by applying a t-test. The results showed a noticeable improvement in the skills of the experimental group. The same course taught with a traditional pedagogy could not produce the desirable results in the control group. The analysis includes vocabulary, reflective thinking, adherence to language mechanics, and grammar to boost the students’ creative writing ability for paragraph composition.
blended Learning; ESL learners; paragraph writing; t-test; multi-modalReferences
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