A comparison of the effects of web-based vocabulary instruction vs. the conventional method on EFL learners' level of L2 lexical knowledge
Web-based training is a contemporary approach acknowledged as a proficient pedagogical strategy for imparting knowledge on L2 lexical items. The objective of this study was to investigate if the utilisation of web-based activities for teaching vocabulary items yields distinct outcomes in terms of acquisition and retention of L2 lexical items, as opposed to conventional procedures. Sixty university students at an intermediate level of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) were purposefully chosen for this study. These participants were then divided into two separate groups. The participants in the experimental group received instruction on the target vocabulary items in a computer-supported classroom. In this setting, they could practice the lexical items interactively through web-based activities. On the other hand, the control group was given the exact target words using traditional instruction methods to maintain consistency. However, students in the control group did not have the opportunity to engage with the dynamic and active nature of the web-based instructional environment. The findings of the study, which involved the administration of the Vocabulary Levels Test and subsequent analysis utilising tests and Analysis of Variance, revealed that English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners saw more improvement in their acquisition of second language (L2) lexical items when taught through web-based activities compared to traditional teaching methods. The implications of the data suggest that L2 teachers can enhance their teaching method by including web-based and online activities to educate students on how to acquire new vocabulary items effectively.
EFL learners; lexical items; online activities; vocabulary learning; Web-based instructionReferences
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