An appraisal of recurring grammar errors in Saudi premedical EFL learners' academic writing
The present research is a qualitative study investigating a potential relationship between explicit grammar instruction to adult EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners and the development of their writing skill. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach discourages explicit teaching of grammar at all levels as the theoretical premise in the approach is that learners are capable of imbibing grammar rules implicit in communication. However, adult EFL learners, taught English through CLT as an approach, are observed to make grammar errors in their writing, though they made progress in spoken English. In a qualitative study conducted with premedical students at a university in Saudi Arabia, the researchers find that explicit teaching of a few difficult-to-grasp grammar rules is required to improve learners' writing skill since academic writing requires an advanced knowledge of grammar. A comparative analysis of learners' writing samples and spoken English transcriptions showed that learners made numerous grammatical errors in their writings while the same group of learners made satisfactory progress in oral communication in English, despite making a few accent errors. The findings of the present research suggest that concerned EFL teachers need to make accommodations for grammar within communicative approach to explain certain grammar points explicitly, especially to adult learners, to take care of their writing skill, along with developing their communicative skills.
communicative language teaching; English for medical studies; English for specific purpose; explicit grammar teaching; Saudi EFL environment; writing skillReferences
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