First language interference in speaking and writing Indonesian language of Azerbaijani students in Indonesian language course at Azerbaijan University of Languages
This study examines the issue of first language interference in spoken and written Indonesian by Azerbaijani students who are taking an Indonesian language course at Azerbaijan University of Languages. The study is framed within the context of bilingualism, where first language interference occurs when individuals learn a foreign language. The aim of this research is to identify the types and causes of interference displayed by Azerbaijani-speaking students when using Indonesian language, with a focus on speaking and writing during classroom activities. A descriptive qualitative approach was used to collect data through observation and documentation, including oral recordings and written assignments. Analysis revealed that Azerbaijani students face pronunciation, morphology, and syntax challenges due to interference based on Weinreich's theory. Pronunciation challenges arise from the lack of the phonetic sound [ê] in Azerbaijani, resulting in substitutions with [é]. Morphological complexities arise from the unfamiliarity with prefixes in Azerbaijani, making it difficult to transform active sentences into passive structures. Syntactic challenges arise due to the differing sentence structures between Azerbaijani (S-O-P-C) and Indonesian (S-P-O-C). To mitigate interference, it is recommended to include targeted phonological drills, increased morphological exercises, and enhanced syntactic practice to facilitate a smoother language acquisition journey for Azerbaijani students who are mastering Indonesian language.
Azerbaijani language; Indonesian language; interference; phonological interference; morphological interference; syntactic interferenceReferences
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Copyright © 2024 Trinh Thi Ha, Nguyen Thi Thu Hien, Nguyen Thi An, Nguyen Thi Mai Huong

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