Using Adobe Connect application in an EFL context: Does it have an effect on learners' speaking skills


  • Kamran Janfeshan

    Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University



The main aim of the present study was to explore the impact of Adobe Connect on Iranian English as a foreign language (EFL) learners' speaking skills. Furthermore, the study investigated whether the learners' attitudes to language learning changed after using Adobe Connect. For that purpose, 100 upper-intermediate EFL students were chosen through the convenience sampling method. The selected students were randomly assigned to two classes. The experimental group applied the Adobe Connect application; however, the conventional teacher-fronted instruction was used for the control group. The results showed that the Adobe Connect class considerably outperformed in speaking skills in comparison to the control group. This demonstrated that the Adobe Connect application is effective in improving learners' speaking skills. The findings suggest that Adobe Connect has a positive impact on enhancing learners' speaking skills. The platform's interactive features promote engagement and collaboration, leading to improvements in fluency, accuracy, pronunciation, and confidence. The results also revealed that there was a difference in attitude change between the participants in experimental and control classes. Adobe Connect has enhanced EFL learners' attitudes toward language learning as well as speaking skills. Thus, it can be suggested that the Adobe Connect application is an effective online instrument that can be used by EFL teachers.


Adobe Connect application; speaking skills; attitudes towards English learning; Iranian EFL learners; online learning


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How to Cite

Janfeshan, K. (2023). Using Adobe Connect application in an EFL context: Does it have an effect on learners’ speaking skills. Forum for Linguistic Studies, 5(3).


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