Writing anxiety among prospective nonlanguage teachers: A quantitative study of a nonmetropolitan state university


  • Tricia Magne De Leon

    College of Teacher Education, Western Mindanao State University

  • Jovannie Sarona

    College of Teacher Education, Western Mindanao State University

  • Arvin Casimiro

    College of Teacher Education, Western Mindanao State University

  • Helengrace Lao

    College of Teacher Education, Western Mindanao State University

  • Kent Adnil Lao

    College of Teacher Education, Western Mindanao State University

  • Cimon Pantaleon

    College of Teacher Education, Western Mindanao State University

  • Ericson Alieto

    College of Teacher Education, Western Mindanao State University




This research focuses on exploring the aftermath and diverse impacts of writing anxiety experienced by prospective nonlanguage teachers. The study primarily delves into the levels and types of writing anxiety that disrupt the academic performance and personal pursuits of future educators. The participants in this study encompassed 165 students pursuing majors unrelated to language, such as Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics (BSED Math), Bachelor of Culture and Arts Education (BCAED), and Bachelor of Special Needs Education (BSNED). To ensure accurate data collection, the study employed assessment tools, namely, the Second Language Writing Anxiety Inventory (SLWAI) and the Causes of Writing Anxiety Inventory (CWAI), both exhibiting high-reliability scores of .757 and .936, respectively. Employing one-way ANOVA, the collected data were subjected to statistical analysis. The findings of the study indicated that the participants consistently experienced heightened anxiety levels in writing. The investigation also revealed that among the various types of writing-related anxiety, cognitive anxiety emerged as the most prominent, followed by somatic anxiety and avoidance behavior. Furthermore, the study identified time constraints and the pressure to achieve perfection as the two most prevalent causes of writing anxiety among the participants. The conclusions drawn from these findings are extensively discussed within the study, shedding light on the implications for both educators and students in a nonmetropolitan state university.


anxiety; education; macro-skills; nonlanguage majors; writing; prospective teachers


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How to Cite

De Leon, T. M., Sarona, J., Casimiro, A., Lao, H., Lao, K. A., Pantaleon, C., & Alieto, E. (2023). Writing anxiety among prospective nonlanguage teachers: A quantitative study of a nonmetropolitan state university. Forum for Linguistic Studies, 5(3). https://doi.org/10.59400/fls.v5i3.1933


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