Inversion and Other Expressive Syntax Figures as Means of Expression in English and Ukrainian Fiction Texts
The aim of the study is an analytical comparison of the use of inversion (anaphora, epiphora, repetition, negation) and other expressive syntax figures as means of expressiveness in fiction texts. The research employed such methods as content analysis of fiction, linguistic analysis, and comparative analysis of translations. Inversion is the most common figure of expressive syntax in both versions of the work. In the English version, inversion is used in 25% of the lines, while in the Ukrainian version — in 20% of the lines. In the English version, anaphora is used in 15% of the lines, while in the Ukrainian version - in 10% of the lines. This discrepancy suggests that the Ukrainian version does not always preserve the use of anaphora in the original work. The study showed that inversion and other elements of expressive syntax are an important method of creating expressiveness in fiction texts written in English and Ukrainian languages. These stylistic devices can evoke different emotions, such as tension, anticipation, talkativeness, aimlessness, hopelessness, insecurity, indecision, transience of life, and inability to understand its true essence. The significance of the study is to contribute to the deepening of the analysis of literary texts and the disclosure of their expressive potential. The following studies may focus on comparing the use of expressive syntax figures on a wider research base.
Anaphora; Linguistic analysis; Emotional vocabulary; Work analysis; LinguisticsReferences
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Copyright © 2024 Moussa Diagne Faye, Vini Yves Bernadin Loyara, Amadou Keita, Mamadou Diop, Angelbert Chabi Biaou, Mahamadou Koita, Hamma Yacouba

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