Parental Discretionary Influence on their Children's Manner of Learning English Language
Parents serve as the first and most influential educators in a child's life, shaping their attitudes towards learning, fostering a supportive home environment conducive to academic success, and instilling crucial values such as perseverance and resilience. Beyond academic achievement, parental involvement contributes to the holistic development of students by promoting positive socio-emotional outcomes. When parents actively participate in their children's education, they provide a sense of security, support, and encouragement that bolsters their self-esteem and confidence This exploratory study delved into the concept of parental discretion in education and learning the English language. Purposive sampling (n=16) was carried out to sample the parents based on several demographic profiles i.e., educational background, monthly income, work, number of children, and language/dialects at home. Narratives from one-one-one interview were the primary data in this study. Findings indicated that parental discretion was characterized by (i) understanding child’s needs, (ii) adaptation, (iii) flexibility, (iv) autonomy, (v) supportive environment, (vi) reflection. Parents design their support strategies to their child's developmental stage, cognitive ability, and sociocultural milieu, trying to provide an adapted and helpful learning environment. Parents who exercise assessment in selecting learning materials and media content assure alignment with their child's educational goals and interests, which fosters engagement and facilitated effective learning. This study examined parental discretion in many different circumstances, stressing its significance in maximizing parent-child educational interactions and providing the framework for future research and practice.
Parental discretionary; Influence on their children’s manner; Learning English languageReferences
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Copyright © 2024 Moussa Diagne Faye, Vini Yves Bernadin Loyara, Amadou Keita, Mamadou Diop, Angelbert Chabi Biaou, Mahamadou Koita, Hamma Yacouba

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