Parents' Supplemental Outsourcing Behavior on Their Children's English Language Learning


  • Jason V. Chavez

    Graduate School, Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University, Zamboanga City, 7000, Philippines

Received: 8 July 2024 | Revised: 14 September 2024 | Accepted: 16 November 2024 | Published Online: 9 December 2024


The purpose of this exploratory paper was to conceptualize parental involvement into supplemental outsourcing behavior reflecting motivation, attitude and behavior of Filipino parents on English language learning. Filipino parents (n=30) were purposively sampled based on their monthly income, educational background, type of employment, number of children, age, sex. One-on-one interviews with the parents were carried out to elicit their supplemental outsourcing behavior in aiding their children to learn the English language. Findings indicated that the parents’ attitude, motivation, and perceived responsibility in their children's English language learning were the primary factors driving their outsourcing behavior. Parents thought of English as a universal language—being essential for communication, professional advancement, and cultural integration. They acknowledged the cognitive advantages of English language, such as improved fluency, expanded vocabulary, and a more comprehensive understanding of cultural traditions. Parents actively engaged in supportive strategies, including the facilitation of learning activities, the provision of encouragement, the assistance with schoolwork, and the development of innovative instructional materials. The findings emphasized their perceived responsibility to develop their children's language abilities, which was driven by a desire to promote academic success and cultivate a positive attitude toward English learning. Parents emphasized the importance of their involvement in their children’s English education, citing language skill development, sustained interest, and parental responsibility as driving factors. The study noted that a strong sense of perceived responsibility among parents led to greater involvement. Parental participation, therefore, was not merely an academic effort but also an emotional and behavioral commitment, motivated by a genuine desire to support their children’s linguistic and cognitive growth.


English language learning; Instructional strategies; Parental involvement; Perceived responsibility


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How to Cite

V. Chavez, J. (2024). Parents’ Supplemental Outsourcing Behavior on Their Children’s English Language Learning. Forum for Linguistic Studies, 6(6), 489–502.


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