Towards Integrating Emotional Intelligence in the Interpreter’s Toolkit: Emotions’ Management Training of Translation Graduate Students in KSA
Emotional Intelligence (henceforth, EI) is a critical but often an overlooked component in interpreter training, particularly in the context of Saudi Arabia (KSA) training curricula. This paper examines the integration of EI into the training toolkit for interpreters in KSA, focusing on the recognition and management of emotions. This study, conducted in a Saudi University, investigates the crucial role of EI in interpreter training. A mixed-method approach employing the EQ-i self-assessment, a self-developed questionnaire, and interviews with graduate interpreting students and trainers reveals a gap between the recognition of EI's importance and its actual integration into training programs. While the EQ-i data suggests a baseline level of EI in participants, current programs prioritize language proficiency over EI development. This disconnect necessitates a paradigm shift – a move towards an integrated training model that emphasizes both linguistic skills and crucial interpersonal skills like empathy, cultural competence, and stress management, all key aspects of EI. The study recommends faculty training on EI principles and integration methods, curriculum development with experiential learning activities, and collaboration with EI experts. The paper puts focus on the necessity for interpreter training programs in KSA universities in order to equip future interpreters with the comprehensive skill set to excel in their emotionally complex profession. Further research is necessary to explore culturally appropriate EI assessment tools and the long-term impact of such training on interpreter performance and career development.
Interpreter training; Emotional intelligence; Emotions’ management; EQ-i scale; KSAReferences
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Copyright © 2024 Moussa Diagne Faye, Vini Yves Bernadin Loyara, Amadou Keita, Mamadou Diop, Angelbert Chabi Biaou, Mahamadou Koita, Hamma Yacouba

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