Content-Based Instruction in Language Education: A Bibliometric Review
The popularization of content-based foreign language programs has given rise to Content-Based Instruction (CBI) as a practical pedagogical approach to facilitating language learning through the medium of content. The growing amount of relevant research in the past decades has necessitated a systematic review of the trends in CBI research to summarize achievements and illuminate future research practices. In this article, CBI-related research articles indexed in Web of Science are reviewed bibliometrically using VOSviewer, following a rigorous selection and screening process. Certain aspects are emphasized, including publication patterns, geographic distribution, institutional contributions, contributing scholars, influential journals and articles, and frequently repeated author keywords. Among the findings, the review highlights substantial geographical variation in previous CBI research as well as the most frequently repeated keywords with corresponding clusters. This review concludes by addressing the research trends in this field and recommending future research directions, which are crucial for understanding the current situation and establishing a foundation for future studies.
Content-based instruction; L2; Language education; Bibliometric reviewReferences
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