Integrating Learning and Knowledge Technologies in Hybrid Classical Language Education: A Case Study from the University of La Sabana
In this study, we explore the integration of learning and knowledge technologies in hybrid Ancient Greek and Latin courses at the University of La Sabana during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using an action research methodology, 12 interactive activities were designed and categorized into dynamic class segments of 20- and 10-minute blocks to enhance student engagement and motivation. Data collection methods included classroom observations, surveys, and performance analysis. The results indicate enhanced student interaction and learning outcomes, demonstrating the effectiveness of learning and knowledge technologies in revitalizing classical language education in a hybrid learning environment. This study provides valuable insights into the implementation of innovative pedagogical strategies and the continuous refinement of teaching methodologies through iterative cycles of action and reflection.
Educational Technology; Interactive Learning; Hybrid Environments; Ancient Texts; Learning Activities; Action ResearchReferences
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Copyright © 2025 Ronald Forero-Álvarez, Liliana Andrea Triana-Perdomo, Laura Katherin Jiménez-Cuadros
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