The Role of Language in the Effectiveness of Social Advertising
The study aims to analyse and evaluate language's role in shaping social advertising's effectiveness from a linguistic perspective. Methods. The survey method, the method of linguistic analysis and classification of linguistic strategies and techniques, and the Weissman-Ricks Emotional State Inventory (WRESI) were used in the study. The statistical analysis was carried out using the Pearson criterion. The validity of the methods was tested using Cronbach's coefficient. Results. 52% of advertising materials contain emotional words. This result indicates a strong reaction from the audience, which is confirmed by the high Pearson's coefficient (0.83). Words describing the problem were also prevalent in 47% of the advertising materials. They had a high Pearson's coefficient (0.75), which underscores their importance in clearly addressing the problem and strengthening the effectiveness of advertising. The highlighted language means helped to increase the emotional involvement of respondents. Thus, it contributed to the effectiveness of the advertising message. Conclusions. Language plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of social advertising. It conveys information and creates emotional connections with the audience, helping to form and maintain social beliefs and cause changes. This approach increases the effectiveness of social advertising and its impact on society. Prospects. Future research perspectives may include analysing the effect of different language strategies on various audience groups, considering their age categories, social status, cultural characteristics, etc.
Language of Advertising; Advertising Discourse; Advertising Novelties; Slogan; Linguistic Analysis; Language Means; Advertising TextReferences
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Copyright © 2024 Moussa Diagne Faye, Vini Yves Bernadin Loyara, Amadou Keita, Mamadou Diop, Angelbert Chabi Biaou, Mahamadou Koita, Hamma Yacouba

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