The Visual Text Importance in Translation and the Text Manipulations: Case Study of Works by Rodari Translated into Albanian Language
Empirical studies in the field of children’s literature translation in the last decades seem to be getting the attention they deserve. How important is it well translating children’s literature? Although at first glance it seems to belong to a simple genre, it is completely the opposite. First, children’s literature is a challenge for the translator himself, and secondly, it is important for the child, since the literary work he reads will enable his first contacts, not only linguistic, but also visual and auditory ones. Among the issues of interest and less studied are illustrations, which undoubtedly are one of the most significant dimensions of literary production. One of the main problems is related to their interpretation: the issue becomes difficult when we are dealing with early translated works where publishers often decided for various reasons to retain the source text illustrations and sometimes not. Early translations serve as a very useful source of information to analyze various aspects such as graphic modifications or their adaptation to the target language. In the event that these illustrations are retained, there is a possibility that the text and images may not be fully compatible. Therefore the question arises, has there been interference in the images and have they been properly adapted? In this paper, we will show how important illustrations are in the translation of children’s literature and what aspects we should take into consideration during translation. The object of our study is Rodari’s works in which we found graphic modifications.
Translation; Illustrations; Graphic Modifications; Fidelity; Coherence; AdaptationReferences
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