The Ecological Framework of ICT Used in Teaching and Learning: A Case Study in Kazakhstan


  • Akmarzhan Nogaibayeva

    Department of Language Education, SDU University, Almaty district, Karasay region,Kaskelen City 040900, Abylai Khan Street 1/1, Kazakhstan

  • Gaukhar Yersultanova

    Department of Language Education, SDU University, Almaty district, Karasay region,Kaskelen City 040900, Abylai Khan Street 1/1, Kazakhstan

  • Mehmet Tas

    Department of Language Education, SDU University, Almaty district, Karasay region,Kaskelen City 040900, Abylai Khan Street 1/1, Kazakhstan

  • Adem Ozkan

    Department of Language Education, SDU University, Almaty district, Karasay region,Kaskelen City 040900, Abylai Khan Street 1/1, Kazakhstan

  • Ahmet Yildiztas

    Department of Language Education, SDU University, Almaty district, Karasay region,Kaskelen City 040900, Abylai Khan Street 1/1, Kazakhstan

Received: 26 September 2024 | Revised: 18 October 2024 | Accepted: 15 November 2024 | Published Online: 12 December 2024


Improving educational and learning experiences requires the incorporation of technology for communication and information (ICT) into language instruction. However, there is a gap regarding how language instructors in higher education, particularly in Kazakhstan, engage with ICT in their teaching practices. This study explores the reasons for ICT adoption among language instructors in the Kazakhstani higher education system, offering insights into their experiences and attitudes towards technology integration. The mixed-methods approach used in the study combines quantitative data from a questionnaire survey with qualitative insights from in-depth interviews. It constructs an ecological framework of ICT adoption by combining descriptive, exploratory, and explanatory research approaches. The model offers a grounded explanation of the factors influencing ICT usage, derived from both top-down institutional pressures and bottom-up individual attitudes. The results of the study reveal that language lecturers primarily use ICT for routine tasks, such as organizing classes and preparing instructional materials. The study highlights how crucial it is to take instructors' collective viewpoints into account when deciding on tactics that encourage or discourage the use of information and communication technologies.  The study expands to the wealth of knowledge on ICT use by instructors of foreign languages in Kazakhstan's university system and highlights the significance of considering lecturers' perspectives collectively when making decisions about ICT use policies.


Kazakhstan Higher Education; Digital Tools; Ecological Framework; Language Instructors; Language Lecturing; ICT in Education


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How to Cite

Nogaibayeva, A., Yersultanova, G., Tas, M., Ozkan, A., & Yildiztas, A. (2024). The Ecological Framework of ICT Used in Teaching and Learning: A Case Study in Kazakhstan. Forum for Linguistic Studies, 6(6), 863–875.


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