Linguistic Insights into Philippine Automobile Advertisements
Language choice in automobile advertisements is vitally important in conveying specific messages aimed at influencing consumer behavior. This study used a descriptive-quantitative approach to analyze the multilevel linguistic features in the verbal components of 492 automobile advertisements from various media in the Philippines, focusing on phonological, lexical, semantic, and syntactic levels. Textual analysis reveals that the most frequently utilized sound techniques are alliteration, assonance, and rhyme, enhancing retention and memorability. Advertisers prefer using noun words, monosyllabic verbs, positive adjectives, personal pronouns, and disyllabic verbs, while avoiding compounds, coinage, and borrowed words. By prioritizing such lexical items, advertisers can enhance the clarity and persuasive appeal of their messages. Figurative language, though rare, includes personification, metonymy, puns, synecdoche, and hyperbole to add color and increase the memorable quality of the ads. The limited use of complex figurative tools suggests an inclination for straightforward communication that resounds quickly and universally across diverse audiences. Syntactically, minor sentences are most common, followed by imperatives, simple sentences, interrogatives, and exclamatory sentences. These choices reflect a preference for simplicity and directness to ensure the messages are easily understood. The study recommends expanding linguistic analysis of automobile advertisements to include cultural, economic, and multimodal perspectives to better understand and enhance cross-cultural consumer engagement, and the effectiveness of advertising strategies in the automotive industry.
Lexical Level; Philippine Automobile Advertisements; Phonological Level; Semantic Level; Syntactic LevelReferences
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