The Impact of Incorporating Persuasive Strategies in EFL Teaching: Perspectives of Jazan University Professors


  • Abdulrahman Alkhirbash

    Department of Foreign Languages, Jazam University, Jazan 82723, Saudi Arabia

Received: 26 September 2024 | Revised: 14 October 2024 | Accepted: 23 October 2024 | Published Online: 8 December 2024


Teachers have the ability to shape their students’ educational experiences through the art of persuasion. This ability goes beyond traditional instruction and ignites a passion for knowledge acquisition. The effectiveness of persuasive strategies employed by teachers is paramount in not only capturing students’ attention but also in enhancing their comprehension levels, motivation, and active participation within the learning process. This in-depth study explores the various persuasive techniques used by professors and lecturers at Jazan University, shedding light on their profound impact on student comprehension and academic success. It adopts a qualitative approach to explore human behaviour, focusing on the persuasive strategies used by professors and lecturers at Jazan University to convey concepts and inspire their students. The research methodology involved conducting insightful interviews with 15 professors and lecturers from Jazan University as a purposive sampling to collect the data. The interview focused on the common strategies they implemented to engage their students and facilitate learning.  Thematic coding was employed during data analysis to identify recurring patterns within the participants' feedback. The findings of the study revealed that the teachers employed a combination of strategies such real-life examples, rhetorical questions, visual aids, and storytelling, to help their students grasp complex concepts and foster a deeper engagement within the classroom. Logical reasoning and building healthy relationships with students were also crucial for the teachers’ ability to capture the students’ attention and encourage critical thinking.


Persuasion; Persuasive Strategies; EFL Teaching


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How to Cite

Alkhirbash, A. (2024). The Impact of Incorporating Persuasive Strategies in EFL Teaching: Perspectives of Jazan University Professors. Forum for Linguistic Studies, 6(6), 400–409.


Article Type
