A Study on the Impact of Flipped Classroom Strategy on Improving Reading Comprehension among Primary School Pupils
This research focused on comparing the effectiveness of the flipped classroom method with traditional methods as a learning approach to improve reading comprehension across four areas: literal, inferential, critical, and creative comprehension. The research sample consisted of 186 pupils from Syrian refugee students within Syrian refugee schools, as there are schools specifically for Syrian pupils in northern Jordan supported by the United Nations. This study used a quasi-experimental design, where the research sample was divided into two groups: the experimental group, which was taught using the flipped classroom approach, and the control group, which used traditional methods. Data were gathered through a specially designed reading comprehension skills test, which was adapted for this study. The results revealed that the flipped classroom strategy significantly improved pupils' reading comprehension levels across all dimensions at a significance level of (p≤0.05). The experimental group confirmed notable progress in their capability to comprehend clear textual information, analyse and understand content collaboratively, assess texts critically, and express creative explanations. Furthermore, the results indicated that pupils maintained their reading comprehension skills over time, showcasing the flipped classroom's effectiveness in promoting sustainable learning outcomes. The results encourage broader adoption of flipped class strategy in reading instruction, urging teachers to create dynamic, pupil-centered learning experiences. Furthermore, the study highlights the importance of continuously assessing learning curricula to meet pupils' evolving needs and emphasizes the potential for further research on the long-term effects of the flipped classroom concept across various academic disciplines.
Flipped Classroom; Learning Strategy; Reading Comprehension Skills; Primary SchoolsReferences
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Copyright © 2024 Moussa Diagne Faye, Vini Yves Bernadin Loyara, Amadou Keita, Mamadou Diop, Angelbert Chabi Biaou, Mahamadou Koita, Hamma Yacouba
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