Extracurricular Tandem as a Powerful Tool for Enhancing Intercultural Communicative Competence


  • Almash Seidikenova

    Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty 050000, Kazakhstan

  • Yuliya Rakhimova

    Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty 050000, Kazakhstan

  • Akkari Abdeljalil

    University of Geneva, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland

  • Perizat Balkhimbekova

    L.N. Gumilyov National University, Astana 01000, Kazakhstan

  • Aigul Nurpeissova

    M.Kozybayev North-Kazakhstan University, Petropavlovsk 150000, Kazakhstan

  • Zhanna Vatutina

    L.N. Gumilyov National University, Astana 01000, Kazakhstan


Received: 12 October 2024 | Revised: 29 October 2024 | Accepted: 8 November 2024 | Published Online: 10 December 2024


Regular interaction with the representatives of the target language is a key driver in enhancing linguistic and intercultural competence. This study explores the frequency of communication between Kazakhstani students and native speakers, additionally examining their emotions during foreign language interaction. Furthermore, it seeks to identify the efficacy of extracurricular tandem in fostering intercultural communicative competence and the challenges faced by students when studying languages in extracurricular tandem. Following the quantitative method of scientific research, the authors conducted an anonymous survey of 587 foreign language students. To create an opportunity for intercultural communication, the research group developed the website and initiated an extracurricular language tandem pilot project between foreign and local students. The survey findings revealed that only a small portion (11%) of students regularly communicate with native speakers, while the majority of respondents (73%) experience both language difficulties and anxiety during interactions. The extracurricular tandem project provided positive outcomes, with students reporting enhancement in both their linguistic skills and understanding of the target culture. The project contributed the development of friendships and boosted confidence in using the target language. Nevertheless, students encountered some difficulties related to organizational aspects. This study can guide educators and educational institutions in creating conditions that promote intercultural exchange among students and enhance their intercultural communicative skills.


Tandem; Intercultural Communication; Communicative Skills; Intercultural Communicative Competence; Student Mobility


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How to Cite

Seidikenova, A., Rakhimova, Y., Abdeljalil, A., Balkhimbekova, P., Nurpeissova, A., & Vatutina, Z. (2024). Extracurricular Tandem as a Powerful Tool for Enhancing Intercultural Communicative Competence. Forum for Linguistic Studies, 6(6), 662–. https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i6.7490


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