A Process Approach to Teaching Writing for Enhancing Students’ Cooperation and Communication Skills
Cooperative learning plays a vital role in enhancing students' writing performance. A multitude of studies have demonstrated that collaborative strategies not only strengthen students’ writing abilities but also enrich their social skills and teamwork attitude. This study aims to design an innovative model for writing instruction that harnesses the power of cooperative learning to elevate students' writing skills, particularly in crafting compelling academic essays. Dick and Carey’s model was used as the instruction design model, which includes several steps such as needs analysis, product design and development, feasibility testing by experts, formative evaluation, product revision, and final product. The subjects of this study included lecturers and students of the English Education Department. The research instruments consisted of questionnaires, interviews, and writing tests. Based on the feasibility test by the experts and formative evaluation, the product was declared feasible for use in Essay Writing courses. The writing test results showed an improvement in the student's scores before and after the implementation of the model. It can be concluded that this new model of instruction has the potential to enhance students' academic writing skills significantly. To enhance its effectiveness, it is recommended that educators integrate this model into their curricula and provide continuous support and feedback to students throughout the writing process.
instructional model; cooperative learning; process approach; academic writing; essay writing; Instructional Model; Cooperative Learning; Process WritingReferences
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