The Impact of Gamification on Motivating Middle-Aged EFL Students and Enhancing Vocabulary Acquisition in Jordan
Middle-aged Jordanians have significant challenges in learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL), despite its growing importance for academic, professional, and social success. Thus, this study examines how gamification attracts middle-aged learners to advance language learning and teaching. This research randomly assigned 60 participants to a gamified vocabulary app or control group. The experimental group employed six weeks of interactive games, quizzes, and competition to encourage and engage. Pre- and post-tests assessed vocabulary, while questionnaires and interviews assessed motivation. Gamification significantly improved vocabulary retention and acquisition in the experimental group over the control group. This study found that gamification promotes language acquisition and engagement among Jordanian middle-aged EFL learners.
Middle Aged Students; Vocabulary Acquisition; English Education; GamificationReferences
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Copyright © 2025 Luqman M. Rababah, Marwan Harb Alqaryouti, Ibrahim Fathi Huwari, Kamal Alruzzi, Fadi Maher Al-Khasawneh
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