Metaphorical Conceptions of Time: A Corpus-Based Semantic Analysis of ‘TIME IS MONEY’ in English and Chinese
Time, as an abstract yet fundamental concept, has been extensively studied across disciplines. Within cognitive linguistics, Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) suggests that people conceptualise time through source domains and mental mappings. However, cross-linguistic variations in these conceptualisations remain underexplored. This study employs a corpus-based semantic analysis to investigate the ‘TIME IS MONEY’ metaphor in British English and Mandarin Chinese, drawing data from the Freiburg-LOB Corpus (FLOB) and the Lancaster Corpus of Mandarin Chinese (LCMC). Through Metaphorical Pattern Analysis (MPA) and semantic tagging with Wmatrix, 219 English metaphors (15.38% of concordances) and 98 Chinese metaphors (19.37% of concordances) were identified. Statistical analyses revealed significant cross-linguistic differences, particularly in the semantic fields of Social Actions and Processes and Psychological Actions and Processes. The findings indicate that while the ‘TIME IS MONEY’ metaphor is more semantically diverse in Chinese, it is more systematically expressed in English. Culturally, English metaphors emphasise individual control over time, whereas Chinese metaphors underscore collective needs and responsibilities. These results highlight the cultural and linguistic nuances shaping metaphorical expressions of time, offering new insights into the interplay between language, cognition, and culture.
Time; Money; Cross-Linguistic Studies; Conceptual Metaphor Theory; Corpus-Based Analysis; Semantic Tagging; Semantic Analysis; Statistical AnalysisReferences
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