Decoding Ostensible Communication: A Cross-Cultural Pragmatic Study
This study looks at how people in high-context cultures use language to send messages that seem sincere but are not meant to be taken literally. It focuses on 120 real and remembered interactions to see how speakers handle these indirect and subtle forms of communication, known as "ostensible acts." The research uses both qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze the strategies people use and how they differ from those in other cultures. In high-context cultures, communication often relies on shared cultural knowledge and subtle signals, such as tone, body language, or context. These cues help people understand that certain statements, while appearing genuine, are meant to carry a hidden or playful meaning. For example, someone might offer help or make a promise that both parties know will not happen, but it is understood as polite or indirect communication. The study finds that these indirect strategies are a key part of communication in high-context settings. They help maintain relationships and avoid direct conflict. By comparing these patterns to those in low-context cultures, where messages are usually clearer and more direct, the findings provide valuable insights into how cultural norms shape communication styles and meanings.
Pragmatics; Ostensible Invitations; Jordanian Arabic; Speech Acts; Communicative ActsReferences
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