Experiences of Pre-Service Teachers in Using Digital Stories Combined with the Language Experience Approach in the United Arab Emirates
Second language teachers face challenges to create classroom environments that cater to the needs of the diverse students’ needs and abilities. Some young second language learners in particular come to the classroom with difficulties such as communication and comprehension limitations. It is, therefore, essential to find ways to engage those students and provide a learning environment that is inclusive and ensures that all students are learning. This study explores the experiences of ten pre-service teachers in using digital storytelling (DST) combined with the language experience approach
(LEA) in teaching English as a second language to K-3 students. The study follows a case study design and data was collected using a reflective form that included open ended questions. Data was analyzed using the qualitative thematic analysis method. Three themes emerged, which were: 1) the perceived benefits of implementing DST combined with LEA, 2) the perceived challenges of implementing DST combined with LEA, 3) and the need for adequate training. The findings revealed that pre-service teachers found using DST combined with LEA a useful approach to teaching reading and writing. The majority of participants, however, were not confident using technology to create digital stories which means that there is a need for adequate training to enable them to use it more effectively in the classroom.
Digital Storytelling; Story-Writing; Language Experience Approach; Pre-Service TeachersReferences
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Copyright © 2025 Ghadah AlMurshidi, Reem Thani AlDhaheri, Chikwaka Miriam; Fatma AlMaghribi; Ahmed Al Zaabi , Dawood Ahmad
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