Mapping of English Language Teaching in Elementary Schools in Jayapura City
This study aims to describe the implementation of English teaching in Elementary Schools (ES) in Jayapura City. To provide a detailed and accurate mapping, the study focuses on four specific objectives: (a) assessing the availability of English teachers in each ES; (b) describing the qualifications, training, and teaching experience of these teachers; (c) evaluating the availability of facilities and infrastructure for English learning; and (d) identifying the challenges schools face in teaching English. A descriptive-qualitative method was employed, with a sample of 51 schools that continue to teach English. Using snowball sampling, 9 schools were selected, involving 11 English teachers and 9 principals, for a total of 20 respondents. The findings reveal that, while all teachers possess a bachelor's degree in English education, they lack the necessary skills to design lesson plans and have limited experience teaching English at the primary level. Additionally, digital learning resources, textbooks, and printed media for English instruction are insufficient. The study recommends that the Jayapura District Education Office take these findings into account to support the development of an updated English syllabus for elementary schools that aligns with the current curriculum.
Mapping; Young Learners; Elementary SchoolsReferences
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