The Professional Linguistic Worldview of IT Specialists as a Component of Linguistic Culture
In the context of globalization and informatization, studying the professional linguistic worldview (PLW) of specialists in information and communication technologies (IT specialists) has become a relevant issue. Contemporary linguistics lacks studies devoted to the analysis of the PLW of IT specialists, making this research novel in its approach. This study addresses the importance of examining professionalisms, transformed idiomatic expressions, aphorisms, proverbs, and sayings from the IT domain to develop the professional linguistic and cultural matrix (PLCM) of IT specialists. The authors emphasize how these linguistic units shape the professional linguistic identity of individuals in the information technology sphere. This study applies the three-level concept of linguistic personality proposed by Yu.N. Karaulov. The authors conducted an analysis of the professional linguistic personality to identify the features of forming the PLCM of IT specialists. The aim of this article is to investigate the influence of professional jargon, adapted idioms, aphorisms, proverbs, and sayings on the development of the professional linguistic worldview of IT specialists, which may contribute to a deeper understanding of the professional linguistic identity in the information technology domain. To achieve this goal, the authors set the following tasks: review relevant literature, materials, and methodologies, conduct a survey among respondents, and analyze the collected data. The research employs methods such as analysis and synthesis, statistical analysis, verbal-semantic analysis, linguo-cognitive analysis, and pragmatic analysis.
Professional Linguistic Identity; IT Specialist; Linguistic Worldview; Professional Jargon; Cognitive-Discursive AspectReferences
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Copyright © 2025 Dinara Kenzhebulatova, Irina Grigoryeva, Vera Yermakova, Oxana Bublikova, Ainakul Tumanova, Khafizdin Mukhamadiyev

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