Exploring interpersonal functions of negation in linguistics research article introductions
Researchers often aim to capture readers’ attention through the development of introductions that are both engaging and appealing. While prior studies have examined the rhetorical characteristics of introductions in depth, little attention has been drawn to the interpersonal role of negation in introductions. This study seeks to remedy the oversight by exploring how negation functions as an interpersonal resource in research introductions. The study analyzed 70 research article introductions from prestigious linguistics journals (2017-2023). Using an interpersonal model of negation as our analytical framework, we identified negative markers and coded their interpersonal functions. It is found that “not”, “no”, “little”, and “few” are the most frequently used negative markers in introductions. Additionally, in terms of functional uses, expert writers tend to employ interactive negations, with a relatively higher frequency of negative markers that serve as hedging (within the interactional dimension) and as markers of consequence (within the interactive dimension) in their introductions. The analysis also reveals that the choice of negative markers in introductions is a sophisticated process governed by both the intended strength of negation and specific interpersonal purposes. The implications of these findings are further explored in relation to English for Academic Purposes writing research and pedagogy.
Negation; Interpersonal Function; Research Article Introductions; Linguistics; Academic DiscourseReferences
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