How AI Affects the Pragmatic Function in Media Discourse: A French Press Perspective
This study examines the impact of artificial intelligence on the pragmatic function of the French press, by analyzing the role of this advanced technology in changing the methods of collecting, editing, and analyzing news. This research aimed to comprehend the role and effect of artificial intelligence technology on news media practices in France, the quality of content and the prevailing challenges. The researchers used a qualitative design and gathered data using semi structured interview questionnaires. A sample of 15 participants is selected and further data is analyzed using content analysis approach. The results showed that artificial intelligence is widely utilized to enhance the quality of content by streamlining the content creation, design, and sharing process. Besides, the relevant technology helps French news media organizations to manage redundant tasks and enable journalists to focus on more areas. It is found that AI algorithms are also employed to analyze vast amounts of data, facilitating the speed and accuracy of content. However, the study participants indicated some ethical concerns such as bubble filter and bias, further emphasizing the needs to counteract these ethical dilemmas. Therefore, this research implied that AI technology enhances the pragmatic role of French news media organizations by facilitating productivity and quality of content. While it offers many benefits, it is crucial to address the ethical issues revolving around bias and bubble filters.
AI; French Press; Media Discourse; Content Personalization; Journalistic Automation; Pragmatic FunctionReferences
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Copyright © 2024 Batoul M. Al-Muhaissen, Samer Al-Hammouri, Kossay M. Rachdan, Mohammed Habes

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