Historical Discourse: Artistic Text and Historical Consciousness in the Post-Colonial Period
A lot of research on the problem of discourse has been carried out all over the world and is still going on. Although in the works of scholars on historical discourse talk about historical facts, historical events, historical records, historical narratives, historical figures, the influence of historical plots in a literary text in the literary mind of readers has not been experimentally studied. Also in this article, based on the historical story of Duman Ramazan’s The Day of Death, questions necessary for the study are formulated, the level of perception of historical postcolonial events and historical figures by the reader are considered. 18 students of the Buketov University aged 18-19 years voluntarily took part in our experiment. The study classified two categories (historical event and historical figure) based on qualitative content analysis of Mayring. The participants answered questions on the historical story of Duman Ramazan’s The Day of Death in the Google Forms. The questions were devoted to historical figures and historical events. The results of the study indicate that the historical consciousness of the reader in the postcolonial period has not yet been fully formed, the low level of historical documentary perception in the literary text. In conclusion, the main reasons for it are the continuous upbringing of several generations in a colonial country; the mass persecution and execution of the national intellectuals; the impact of the economic crisis after independence on the education sector (one-sidedness in school textbooks and programs).
Historical Discourse; Literary Text; Postcolonial Period; The Reader; DiscourseReferences
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Copyright © 2025 Aitbay Zhumagulov, Adil Zhakulayev, Nurgul Nygmetova, Nagima Akhtaeva, Yerkanat Khuatbekuly, Botakoz Tleubekova, Zhansaya Zharylgapov, Kalamkas Kalybekova
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