The Semiotics of the Title in Gibran’s The Prophet: A Comparison Between English and Arabic Linguistic Study
[1]Abdul Khaliq, D., 2023. The Original and the Translator in the Literary Work “The Prophet” by Gibran Khalil Gibran [Doctoral dissertation]. Tanta University: Tanta, Egypt.
[2] Khachan, V., 2023. The 'Ands’ and 'Buts' in Kahlil Gibran's English Works. Languages. 8(4), 246. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/languages8040246.
[3] Alfiya, I.F., 2023. Symbolic Interaction in the Character of Al-Mustafa in Gibran Khalil Gibran's The Prophet from the Perspective of George Herbert Mead [Bachelor’s thesis]. Malang, EJ: The State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim. pp. 5–48.
[4]Beytat, A., Mkaimeh, A., 2018. Cultural Styles Dialogue in The Prophet by Gibran Khalil Gibran [Master’s thesis]. Jijel, Algeria: Mohammed Siddiq Ben Yahia University. pp. 6–100.
[5] Abdu Rasheed, P., 2014. An analytical study on the Prophet's book by Gibran Khalil Gibran. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research. 7(1), 1179–1184.
[6] Hornby, A.S., 2005. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 7th ed. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. pp. 1380–1612–1210.
[7] Al-Ahmar, F., 2010. Semiotics Dictionary, 1st ed. Arab House of Science Publishers: Beirut, Lebanon. pp. 11–12–226.
[8] Saussure, F., 1959. Course in General Linguistics. McGraw-Hill Book Company: New York, NY, USA. p. 16.
[9] Hamdaoui, J., 2011. Semiology Between Theory and Practice, 1st ed. AL-Warraq Printing Press for Publishing and Distribution: Jordan. p. 13.
[10] Chandler, D., 2008. Semiotics: The Basics, 1st ed. Arab Organization for Translation: Lebanon. pp. 30–87.
[11] Ibn Khaldun, A.R., 1401. Ibn Khaldun's History, 1st ed. Al-Fikr Publishing House: Beirut, Lebanon. Volume 1, p. 664.
[12] Ibn Manzur, J.A.D., 1414. Lisān al-ʿArab (The Language of the Arabs). Sader Publishing House: Lebanon. Volume 12, p. 635; Volume 13, p. 290; Volume 15, pp. 106, 302–303.
[13] Al-Zubaidi, M.M., 1385. Tāj al-ʿArūs (The Bride’s Crown). Ministry of Guidance and News: Kuwait. Volume 34, p. 45.
[14] Mustafa, E., Al-Zayat, A., Abd Al-Kader, H., et al., 1392. Al-Muʿjam al-Wasīṭ (The Intermediate Dictionary of the Arabic Language Academy, Cairo). Al-Dawa Publishing House: Istanbul, Turkey. Volume 1, p. 465, Volume 2, p. 633.
[15] The Holy Quran. n.d. Surah Al-Fath (48), verse 29.
[16] The Holy Quran. n.d. Surah Al Imran (3), verse 14.
[17] Al-Jahiz, A., 1423. Al-Bayān wa-al-Tabyīn (Eloquence and Exposition). Al-Hilal House and Library: Lebanon. Volume 1, p. 82.
[18] Al-Jurjani, A.Q., 1412. Asrār al-Balāghah (The Secrets of Eloquence: Foundations of Arabic Rhetoric). Al Madani Press: Cairo, Egypt. p. 376.
[19] Al-Jarjani, A.Q., 1424. Dalā’il al-I‘jāz fī ‘Ilm al-Ma‘ānī (Evidences of Inimitability in Rhetorical Semantics, 5th ed. Al Khanji Library: Egypt. p. 263.
[20] Abdullah, M.H., 2019. The title in Arab heritage. Alam Al-Fikr Journal. (180), 147–148.
[21] Al-Jazzar, F., 1998. Title and Semiotics of Literary Communication. Egyptian General Book Authority: Egypt. p. 15.
[22] Qattous, B., 2001. The Title Semiotic, 1st ed. Culture Ministry: Jordan. pp. 36–33.
[23] Genette, J., 2008. Thresholds of Interpretation, 1st ed. Arab House of Science Publishers.Beirut. pp. 67–86–88-125–126–76.
[24] Al-Ahmar, F., 2010. Semiotics Dictionary, 1st ed. Arab House of Science Publishers: Lebanon. P. 226.
[25] Alloush, T., 2008. William Wordsworth. The Arabic Encyclopedia Authority in the Syrian Arab Republic: Syria. Volume 22, pp. 209–211.
[26] Al-Bustani, F., 1948. Lebanese Notables in the Renaissance of World Literature. The Lebanese Committee for Preparing the UNESCO Month: Beirut. pp. 187–188.
[27] Zogheib, H., 2023. The Prophet Centenary. Mirrors of Heritage Journal. Special Issue. pp. 4–5–24–29.
[28] Waterfield, R., 2003. Prophet The Life and Times of Kahlil Gibran. Translated by: Michel Khoury. (Ed.). Ward Publishing and Distribution House: Syria. pp. 307–302–16–17–299–380–232.
[29] Gibran, K., 2013. The Prophet, 7th ed. Nofal Publishing House: Lebanon. pp. 5–6–7–12–13–30.
[30] Barthes, R., 1987. Elements of Semiology, 2nd ed. Al-Hiwar for Publishing and Distribution House: Syria. p. 25.
[31] Abdel Azim, M., Bayoumi, B., Hilal, A., 2022. The semiotics of the cover threshold in the fiction art according to Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq. Journal Research. 2(5), 21–63.
[32] Naima, M., 1951. Kahlil Gibran: (A Critical Biography — A Comprehensive Study of His Life, Works, and Philosophical Legacy). Sader Publishing House: Lebanon. pp. 83–250–65.
[33] Salih, A., 2022. Transformations of philosophical thought on the naked body and its impact on contemporary European sculpture. Wasit Journal of Human Sciences. 15(44), 440.
[34] Al-Ba'li, U., 2024. Drawing through the semiotic perspective. Damascus University Journal for Arts and Humanities. 40(1), 1.
[35] Saussure, F., 1985. Foundations of General Linguistics. Arab Afak Publishing House: Iraq. pp. 58–67.
[36] Mshouh, L., 2008. Prague School. Authority in the Syrian Arab Republic: Syria. Volume 22, p. 805.
[37] Martinet, A., 2009. Function and Dynamics of Languages, 1st ed. Arab Organization for Translation: Beirut, Lebanon. p. 257.
[38] Malmberg, B., 1984. Phonetics. Youth Library: Egypt. p. 61.
[39] Bishr, K., 2000. Phonetics. Gharib for Printing Publishing and Distribution House: Egypt. pp. 91–369.
[40] Gibran, G.K., 1923. The Prophet, 1st ed. Alfred A. Knopf: New York, NY, USA. pp. 8-102-9-(7-8)-10-8-11-(9-10)-(97-98)-(87-88)-48.
[41] Ibn Jinni, O., 1952. Al-Khaṣā’iṣ fī ʿIlm al-ʿArabiyyah: (The Characteristics of Arabic Linguistics), 4th ed. Egyptian Book House: Egypt. Volume 1, p. 34.
[42] Ibn Jinni, O., 1421. Sirr Ṣināʿat al-Iʿrāb: The Secret of the Craft of Iʿrāb (Grammatical Inflection). Scientific Books House: Lebanon. Volume 2, p. 107.
[43] Shaker, M., 2003. Articles Collection by Professor Mahmoud Muhammad Shaker. Al-Khanji Library: Cairo, Egypt. Volume 2, pp. 713–733.
[44] Ibn Al-Sarraj, M., 1996. The Foundational Principles of Arabic Syntax: A Comprehensive Academic Study. Al-Resala Foundation, Lebanon. Volume 3, pp. 401–403.
[45] Ibn Sina, A.H., 1403. Reasons for the Occurrence of the Letter. Arabic Language Academy: Syria. pp. 125–134.
[46] Bosna, A.W., 2022. The psychological implications of free drawing through adolescents’ drawings. Journal of Human Sciences Algeria. 33(4), 380.
[47] Huwari, I., Sarp, E., Alkhaldi, A., et al., 2024. Analysis of endophoric reference in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. Forum for Linguistic Studies. 6(5), 10. DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6752
[48] Bahnas, S., 2022. The prophetic dimension in Gibran Khalil Gibran's The Prophet. Al-Mi'yar Journal. 6(26), 531.
Semiotics; Prophet; Title; Meaning; Gibran; The TeReferences
[1] Abdul Khaliq, D., 2023. The Original and the Translator in the Literary Work “The Prophet” by Gibran Khalil Gibran [Doctoral dissertation]. Tanta University: Tanta, Egypt.
[2] Khachan, V., 2023. The 'Ands’ and 'Buts' in Kahlil Gibran's English Works. Languages. 8(4), 246. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/languages8040246.
[3] Alfiya, I.F., 2023. Symbolic Interaction in the Character of Al-Mustafa in Gibran Khalil Gibran's The Prophet from the Perspective of George Herbert Mead [Bachelor’s thesis]. Malang, EJ: The State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim. pp. 5–48.
[4] Beytat, A., Mkaimeh, A., 2018. Cultural Styles Dialogue in The Prophet by Gibran Khalil Gibran [Master’s thesis]. Jijel, Algeria: Mohammed Siddiq Ben Yahia University. pp. 6–100.
[5] Abdu Rasheed, P., 2014. An analytical study on the Prophet's book by Gibran Khalil Gibran. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research. 7(1), 1179–1184.
[6] Hornby, A.S., 2005. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 7th ed. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. pp. 1380–1612–1210.
[7] Al-Ahmar, F., 2010. Semiotics Dictionary, 1st ed. Arab House of Science Publishers: Beirut, Lebanon. pp. 11–12–226.
[8] Saussure, F., 1959. Course in General Linguistics. McGraw-Hill Book Company: New York, NY, USA. p. 16.
[9] Hamdaoui, J., 2011. Semiology Between Theory and Practice, 1st ed. AL-Warraq Printing Press for Publishing and Distribution: Jordan. p. 13.
[10] Chandler, D., 2008. Semiotics: The Basics, 1st ed. Arab Organization for Translation: Lebanon. pp. 30–87.
[11] Ibn Khaldun, A.R., 1401. Ibn Khaldun's History, 1st ed. Al-Fikr Publishing House: Beirut, Lebanon. Volume 1, p. 664.
[12] Ibn Manzur, J.A.D., 1414. Lisān al-ʿArab (The Language of the Arabs). Sader Publishing House: Lebanon. Volume 12, p. 635; Volume 13, p. 290; Volume 15, pp. 106, 302–303.
[13] Al-Zubaidi, M.M., 1385. Tāj al-ʿArūs (The Bride’s Crown). Ministry of Guidance and News: Kuwait. Volume 34, p. 45.
[14] Mustafa, E., Al-Zayat, A., Abd Al-Kader, H., et al., 1392. Al-Muʿjam al-Wasīṭ (The Intermediate Dictionary of the Arabic Language Academy, Cairo). Al-Dawa Publishing House: Istanbul, Turkey. Volume 1, p. 465, Volume 2, p. 633.
[15] The Holy Quran. n.d. Surah Al-Fath (48), verse 29.
[16] The Holy Quran. n.d. Surah Al Imran (3), verse 14.
[17] Al-Jahiz, A., 1423. Al-Bayān wa-al-Tabyīn (Eloquence and Exposition). Al-Hilal House and Library: Lebanon. Volume 1, p. 82.
[18] Al-Jurjani, A.Q., 1412. Asrār al-Balāghah (The Secrets of Eloquence: Foundations of Arabic Rhetoric). Al Madani Press: Cairo, Egypt. p. 376.
[19] Al-Jarjani, A.Q., 1424. Dalā’il al-I‘jāz fī ‘Ilm al-Ma‘ānī (Evidences of Inimitability in Rhetorical Semantics, 5th ed. Al Khanji Library: Egypt. p. 263.
[20] Abdullah, M.H., 2019. The title in Arab heritage. Alam Al-Fikr Journal. (180), 147–148.
[21] Al-Jazzar, F., 1998. Title and Semiotics of Literary Communication. Egyptian General Book Authority: Egypt. p. 15.
[22] Qattous, B., 2001. The Title Semiotic, 1st ed. Culture Ministry: Jordan. pp. 36–33.
[23] Genette, J., 2008. Thresholds of Interpretation, 1st ed. Arab House of Science Publishers.Beirut. pp. 67–86–88-125–126–76.
[24] Al-Ahmar, F., 2010. Semiotics Dictionary, 1st ed. Arab House of Science Publishers: Lebanon. P. 226.
[25] Alloush, T., 2008. William Wordsworth. The Arabic Encyclopedia Authority in the Syrian Arab Republic: Syria. Volume 22, pp. 209–211.
[26] Al-Bustani, F., 1948. Lebanese Notables in the Renaissance of World Literature. The Lebanese Committee for Preparing the UNESCO Month: Beirut. pp. 187–188.
[27] Zogheib, H., 2023. The Prophet Centenary. Mirrors of Heritage Journal. Special Issue. pp. 4–5–24–29.
[28] Waterfield, R., 2003. Prophet The Life and Times of Kahlil Gibran. Translated by: Michel Khoury. (Ed.). Ward Publishing and Distribution House: Syria. pp. 307–302–16–17–299–380–232.
[29] Gibran, K., 2013. The Prophet, 7th ed. Nofal Publishing House: Lebanon. pp. 5–6–7–12–13–30.
[30] Barthes, R., 1987. Elements of Semiology, 2nd ed. Al-Hiwar for Publishing and Distribution House: Syria. p. 25.
[31] Abdel Azim, M., Bayoumi, B., Hilal, A., 2022. The semiotics of the cover threshold in the fiction art according to Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq. Journal Research. 2(5), 21–63.
[32] Naima, M., 1951. Kahlil Gibran: (A Critical Biography — A Comprehensive Study of His Life, Works, and Philosophical Legacy). Sader Publishing House: Lebanon. pp. 83–250–65.
[33] Salih, A., 2022. Transformations of philosophical thought on the naked body and its impact on contemporary European sculpture. Wasit Journal of Human Sciences. 15(44), 440.
[34] Al-Ba'li, U., 2024. Drawing through the semiotic perspective. Damascus University Journal for Arts and Humanities. 40(1), 1.
[35] Saussure, F., 1985. Foundations of General Linguistics. Arab Afak Publishing House: Iraq. pp. 58–67.
[36] Mshouh, L., 2008. Prague School. Authority in the Syrian Arab Republic: Syria. Volume 22, p. 805.
[37] Martinet, A., 2009. Function and Dynamics of Languages, 1st ed. Arab Organization for Translation: Beirut, Lebanon. p. 257.
[38] Malmberg, B., 1984. Phonetics. Youth Library: Egypt. p. 61.
[39] Bishr, K., 2000. Phonetics. Gharib for Printing Publishing and Distribution House: Egypt. pp. 91–369.
[40] Gibran, G.K., 1923. The Prophet, 1st ed. Alfred A. Knopf: New York, NY, USA. pp. 8-102-9-(7-8)-10-8-11-(9-10)-(97-98)-(87-88)-48.
[41] Ibn Jinni, O., 1952. Al-Khaṣā’iṣ fī ʿIlm al-ʿArabiyyah: (The Characteristics of Arabic Linguistics), 4th ed. Egyptian Book House: Egypt. Volume 1, p. 34.
[42] Ibn Jinni, O., 1421. Sirr Ṣināʿat al-Iʿrāb: The Secret of the Craft of Iʿrāb (Grammatical Inflection). Scientific Books House: Lebanon. Volume 2, p. 107.
[43] Shaker, M., 2003. Articles Collection by Professor Mahmoud Muhammad Shaker. Al-Khanji Library: Cairo, Egypt. Volume 2, pp. 713–733.
[44] Ibn Al-Sarraj, M., 1996. The Foundational Principles of Arabic Syntax: A Comprehensive Academic Study. Al-Resala Foundation, Lebanon. Volume 3, pp. 401–403.
[45] Ibn Sina, A.H., 1403. Reasons for the Occurrence of the Letter. Arabic Language Academy: Syria. pp. 125–134.
[46] Bosna, A.W., 2022. The psychological implications of free drawing through adolescents’ drawings. Journal of Human Sciences Algeria. 33(4), 380.
[47] Huwari, I., Sarp, E., Alkhaldi, A., et al., 2024. Analysis of endophoric reference in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. Forum for Linguistic Studies. 6(5), 10. DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6752
[48] Bahnas, S., 2022. The prophetic dimension in Gibran Khalil Gibran's The Prophet. Al-Mi'yar Journal. 6(26), 531.
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