Enhancing Innovative Thinking Skills via Digital Narratives in Translation Training


  • Raed Sabah Qasim

    Department of Translation, College of Arts, Alnoor University, Mosul 41012, Iraq

  • Osama Wael Suleiman

    Department of Public Law, College of Law, University of Nineveh, Mosul 41001, Iraq


  • Ismail Abdulwahhab Ismail

    Department of Translation, College of Arts, Alnoor University, Mosul 41012, Iraq

    Department of Public Law, College of Law, University of Nineveh, Mosul 41001, Iraq


Received: 4 November 2024 | Revised: 24 December 2024 | Accepted: 26 December 2024 | Published Online: 13 January 2025


In this study, the authors take the presented pedagogical approach, Digital Narratives in Translation Training (DNTT), as the starting point to promote innovative thinking in translation education. Specifically, it evaluates the framework’s impact on three dimensions of cognitive creativity: associative reasoning, visual structuring, and ideational fluency. In the present study, a quasi-experimental research design was employed, and the participants were 63, divided into two experimental and control groups to assess the impact of integrating digital storytelling in translation training. The results presented have revealed a relatively significant improvement, particularly in the conceptual fluency that has dramatically enhanced the generation of multiple and novel ideas. This means that the performance of associative reasoning was moderately improved to support the enhanced creative ideas connected to the translation tasks. Visual structuring, however, only needed moderate advance, indicating specific problems in transferring spatial and visual factors into cognitive processes of interpretation. The quantitative data and graphical illustrations serve as evidence of those outcomes and underscore the value of the DNTT framework for developing mental and creative skills. All these outcomes show that the integration of the use of digital stories is a strategic factor in the training of translators. The study encourages higher learning institutions in translation to embrace progressive, creativity-based strategies alongside mainstream strategies to train translation students in innovative skills. This study attempts to contribute to reducing cognitive creativity gaps in translation training to enhance the field's educational model.


Translation Pedagogy; Creative Cognition; Digital Storytelling; Language Education; Innovative Learning


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How to Cite

Qasim, R. S., Suleiman, O. W., & Abdulwahhab Ismail, I. (2025). Enhancing Innovative Thinking Skills via Digital Narratives in Translation Training. Forum for Linguistic Studies, 7(1), 902–912. https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v7i1.7969


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