From Fear to Joy: A Corpus Analysis of FOMO and JOMO
This article presents a linguistic analysis of the terms FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and JOMO (Joy of Missing Out) by means of corpus analysis and other additional tools to examine their evolution, frequency and contextual usage.Through the application of Ngram Viewer, Sketch Engine and COCA data, this study traces how these terms have shifted in meaning, reflecting society’s evolving views on social participation and individual well-being. The central focus this study is on how these terms have become embedded in social media discourse, with particular attention to their implications for mental health within the context of digital engagement. Additionally, we investigate the evolution of the term FOMO, tracing its roots to earlier expressions such as “keeping up with the Joneses” and “fear of being left out.” This linguistic transformation is deeply tied to the rise of social media and the way contemporary culture has shaped the lexicon to reflect new societal realities. By examining the evolving usage and implications of FOMO and JOMO, we offer insight into the ongoing dialogue about finding balance in the complexities of digital life.
Fear; Joy; FOMO; JOMO; Corpus AnalysisReferences
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