Understanding Syntactic Deviations of Sentence Derivation in Student English: A Study within the Minimalist Program
This study explores the syntactic deviations in written English by freshmen EFL students at Saudi universities focusing on their implications for understanding syntactic competence. The research investigates 105 students' compositions to pinpoint the most frequent and notable syntactic errors, employing the Minimalist Program (MP) by Noam Chomsky. The objective is to root these deviations within a solid theoretical background, thereby scientifically elucidating their causes and enhancing strategies for explaining syntax using the latest Chomskyan MP approach. The findings reveal that the most common syntactic deviations include verb complement errors (22.43%), tense and agreement discrepancies, (21.14%) and omissions of critical syntactic elements like prepositions (9.28%) and determiners (3.42%). These errors are systematically categorized and analyzed using MP mechanisms, which facilitates a deeper understanding of the theoretical bases upon which syntactic structures are formed and analyzed. This methodological approach helps in understanding the origins of observed errors, providing a well-grounded justification for deeming certain expressions incorrect in daily language practices. Ultimately, this analysis not only illuminates the common challenges faced by these learners but also suggests more effective teaching strategies. By leveraging a profound and clear understanding of MP, the study provides insights into the practical and deep reasons behind linguistic errors, enhancing both theoretical knowledge and instructional practices in the field of EFL.
Agree; Feature Checking; Merge; Move Syntactic Deviations; Sentence Derivation; SelectReferences
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