Exploring the Prerequisites for Developing a Blended Instructional Model in Undergraduate Music Education
This study utilized a mixed-methods approach to explore the essential elements for creating a blended instructional model tailored for undergraduate music education students. The study involved 200 students from the Department of Music and Dance at Guangxi University of Foreign Languages, Nanning, China, and four faculty members with 5–10 years of teaching experience. Data collection included the Survey of Blended Learning for Music Students, which assessed students’ prior online learning experiences, attitudes, and perceptions of blended learning, and semi-structured interviews with faculty to provide qualitative insights into blended learning practices. The results revealed that 90.5% of students had prior online learning experience, with 53% preferring a blended learning format. Students appreciated the flexibility and efficiency of blended learning, particularly for its ability to enhance knowledge acquisition and skill development. However, some challenges emerged, including issues with self-discipline and engagement in the online environment. Faculty interviews highlighted both advantages and challenges of blended teaching, including barriers to quick adaptation and the need for increased communication in the blended environment. A novel contribution of the study lies in its focus on the limited integration of blended learning in music education, an area that has received little attention in the existing literature. The findings offer important pedagogical implications for developing effective blended learning models that balance the practical and theoretical aspects of music education. Specifically, it highlights the need for better engagement strategies and support mechanisms for students and instructors to navigate blended learning effectively, fostering a more flexible, adaptive, and interactive learning environment.
Blended Learning; Instructional Models; Music Education Students; ChinaReferences
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