A Comparative Political Discourse of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and US President Donald Trump’s Speeches: Articulating Tolerance and Love
The study examines how the articulation of the values of tolerance and love is constructed linguistically, rhetorically, and politically in the speeches of Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman and US President Donald Trump. By adopting a Political Discourse Analysis framework integrating both Critical Discourse Analysis and a textual-contextual approach, the study investigates both leaders' linguistic and rhetorical strategies to mold narratives and shape public perception. By addressing speeches selected for their socio-political importance and thematic orientation on love and tolerance, the data is subjected to the textual examination of linguistic elements including lexicon, metaphors, and narrative structures that carry the effect of inclusivity and emotive attractiveness. The study delves in revealing persuasive techniques by scrutinizing the rhetorical strategies incorporating attraction to ethos, pathos, and logos. The CDA shows how these speeches either mirror or debate ideologues, social norms, power dynamics, and discrepancies between leaders’ stated values and subliminal messages. The study's findings classify the speeches into national unity, cultural identity, and global diplomacy themes. Prince Mohammad bin Salman’s discourse focuses on economic reforms, modernity, and international adaptations, while Trump’s speeches engage in patriotism incorporated with nationalistic assertions mirroring two distinct socio-political contexts. The study contributes to understanding the discursive strategies of political speeches in shaping public opinion and how language interacts constructively with power image, aesthetic values, and leadership narrative in contemporary international politics.
PDA; Trump; Salman; Rhetorical; Strategies; Narrative; Love; ToleranceReferences
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Copyright © 2025 Ayman Altalahin , Tariq Mohammed Farghal, Abdalaziz Alfawareh

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