“The Class Is Full of Competitive Spirit:” A Qualitative Study of First-Year Saudi EFL Female Students’ Perceptions of Task-Based Learning
With the shift toward learner-centered language teaching, studies within the Saudi educational system have explored Saudi EFL students’ motivation, experiences, and perceptions as key factors influencing engagement and achievement. However, limited research has investigated how task-based learning (TBL) is perceived and implemented in culturally specific contexts, particularly among female EFL university students. This study addresses this gap through a qualitative design grounded in Vygotskian sociocultural theory, examining first-year Saudi EFL female students’ perceptions of TBL and the factors influencing their engagement. Drawing on classroom observations and 10 in-depth semi-structured interviews, thematic analysis revealed key themes related to attitudes, task implementation, individual and group work dynamics, and factors influencing task engagement. A central finding was the duality in students’ perceptions, balancing enjoyment and engagement with emotional and cognitive challenges. While initial attitudes were mostly positive, a gradual shift in perceptions reflected growing self-efficacy. This duality, combined with the gradual shift in perceptions, underscores the interplay between supportive learning environments, language skills, self-efficacy, and task-related challenges. Students emphasized the importance of tasks promoting cognitive growth, supported by scaffolding, reflection, and collaboration. This study also highlighted the role of self-directed learning and growth mindset in managing emotions and building confidence. Recommendations include designing tasks with balanced complexity, effective scaffolding, and further research into students’ self-regulation, reflections, and task engagement. By addressing sociocultural and psychological factors, this research contributes nuanced insights into task engagement and TBL dynamics in Saudi higher education, advancing the understanding of language acquisition in culturally specific contexts.
Task-Based Learning; Task Engagement; Perceptions; Self-Efficacy; ScaffoldingReferences
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