Vocabulary Learning Strategies Utilised by EFL Omani Students in Oman: The Effect of Age, Gender, and Levels of Study
This study quantitatively examines the vocabulary learning strategies (VLSs) employed by EFL Omani students. A 59-item questionnaire adapted from Schmitt’s taxonomy was utilised, with validity ensured through a pilot study involving 50 respondents and experts’ review. The final sample included 195 male and female students from the second semester of the 2023–2024 academic year. Data analysis using SPSS 29 included frequency, mean, standard deviations, and significance differences using an independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVA. The results showed that Metacognitive strategies had the highest mean score, making them the most frequently used vocabulary learning strategies among EFL Omani students. In contrast, Memory strategies had the lowest mean score, indicating they were the least preferred approach to vocabulary learning. Determination strategies showed mixed results, with guessing meaning from context and using bilingual dictionaries being more favored, whereas using flashcards and monolingual dictionaries were less preferred. Cognitive strategies also varied, with verbal and written repetition being commonly used, whereas labeling objects and using flashcards had lower mean scores. Regarding the effect of age, gender, and levels of study on VLSs, age does not significantly affect vocabulary learning strategies, as all p-values exceed 0.05, and effect sizes are negligible. Gender significantly influences Determination, Cognitive, and Metacognitive strategies (p < 0.05), with females scoring higher,whereas Social and Memory strategies show no gender-based differences. Further, the level of study does not significantly impact strategy use (p > 0.05), though Metacognitive strategies show a slight upward trend among advanced students
VLSs; Omani Students; Gender; Age; Schmitt’s Taxonomy; VocabularyReferences
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