Principal Engagement in the Teacher Evaluation Process in Remote Schools: A Narrative Inquiry of Language Teachers
States and districts mandate teacher evaluation systems in schools. However, research indicates that compliance with the law alone does not assure quality performance in evaluations. In addition, not all schools across different districts—urban and remote—perform at the same level or quality. This research paper offers a subjective view of six Arabic and English language teachers working in remote schools by examining their experiences with school principals in their capacities as evaluators in the teacher evaluation process. It further investigates how evaluation outcomes influence teacher retention, morale, and instructional growth. It also explores the factors that make principals effective evaluators. Narrative inquiry was utilized as the research methodology in which teachers’ stories were used to uncover their values and expectations regarding their principals’ involvement. All data were obtained through interviews and school documents and were analyzed individually and then collectively, using narrative analysis techniques and coding strategies. Additionally, the study highlights the necessity for structured professional development to enhance principals’ evaluation effectiveness. In their counter-stories, teachers unveiled the extent of principals’ engagement throughout the process, portraying them as either entirely absent or unserviceably present. They provided a list of practical actions necessary for principals to serve as instructional leaders and evaluators in the 21st century. Implications for research and practice are discussed.
Instructional Leadership; Language Teachers; Narrative Inquiry; Principal Engagement; Remote Schools; Teacher EvaluationReferences
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