Storage Mycoflora in Sesame Seed Production in Benue State, Nigeria
Sesame (Sesamum indicum) is usually contaminated with many fungi where some of them are mycotoxigenic causing economic and health problems. This study investigated the percentage composition of fungi contamination of sesame seeds in Benue state Nigeria. Using direct plating technique; the study revealed twelve species of fungi contamination in sesame seed obtained in Benue State. The percentage occurrence of fungal isolates shows that Aspergillus flavus and A. niger were found in all the locations and their occurrence was significantly different (P≤0.05). The percentage contamination of Sesame samples collected from Otukpo LGA has the highest fungal (23.35%) contamination and was significantly higher (P≤0.05) from samples of other places whereas Sesame contamination from Gboko was the least with total percentage of (12.05%). In conclusion, considering the benefits of sesame, it is recommended that several treatments should be applied to reduce the levels of contamination in sesame seeds before consumption utilization such as environmental conditions leading to fungal proliferation (a high temperature, humidity, poor soil fertility, drought and insect damage). Also poor harvesting practices, unsuitable storage conditions, improper transportation, marketing and processing should be discouraged.
Storage fungi; Mycoflora; Storage sesame; Benue stateReferences
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