Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) drastically affects the tomato production worldwide. To deal with this problem, breeding of ToMV-resistant hybrids/varieties is the ultimate need and most successful approach. In wild tomato species, three dominant ToMV-resistant genes (Tm-1, Tm-2 and Tm-22 ) were identified and the World Vegetable Center developed few fresh market tomato lines resistant to ToMV... More
Phytochemical components have been reported for various plants but very little information on Psorospermum febrifugum (SPACH). The presence of biocidal activity makes the spach of potential interest for the control of micro-organisms. Methanolic extract of the leaves of spach shows the various constituents (alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, tannins, phenols, and steroids). Further investigation revealed phytoconstituents of... More
Trigonella persica is a valuable medicinal plant which comprises trigonelline that is secondary metabolite and important component in cosmetic and medicine. This research was conducted in order to evaluation the drought stress effect on growth parameters, root anatomical changes and trigonelline content in T. persica. Plants were grown under soil moisture corresponding to 100%, 75%,... More
An account of 20 species under 11 genera of the family Fabaceae is presented based upon a thorough study of the collected specimens and field surveys in this paper from Sechu Tuan Nalla Wildlife Sanctuary, Chamba district, Himachal Pradesh. Of these, fourteen taxa are reported first time from the Chamba district of the state. The... More