Botanical gardens represent important places for ex situ conservation. One of these botanical gardens has been abandoned in Côte d’Ivoire for 30 years. This is the former botanical garden of ORSTOM. This study was conducted to determine the level of diversity of this former garden in order to assess the opportunity for its rehabilitation. The authors... More
Mining plays an important role in the economic development of a country. But the consequences of the mining can be seen in the form of degradation of soil, water, and native vegetation, which ultimately results in the disturbance of the local ecosystem. The ecological restoration of such disturbed ecosystems involves the reclamation of soil, conservation... More
Agroforestry technologies are very keen practices in most small-scale farming systems where gender issues are not well considered in most developing countries. Moringa is a tropical plant that consists of 13 species, while five of them are found in Ethiopia. This study aimed to evaluate the potential and contribution of women in agroforestry demonstrations where Moringa... More